We start from a personalized education, from the respect for the uniqueness of each person, considered as being individual and social at the same time.
We understand that education must be both intellectual and affective and geared to the child's psychic needs and abilities, globally attending to the development and maturation of each one.
This is based not only on the child becoming independent and learning to face the world as an individual, but as a person who will develop and integrate into a social environment. So it is very important:
- Develop emotional intelligence, why, as Aristotle said, “educating the mind without educating the heart is not educating at all”.
Developing and working with techniques that allow children to know and regulate their emotions will help them recognize them in others and will face the challenges and responsibility of contributing to the quality and sustainability of social and natural environments in a critical way., in addition to being in solidarity with other human beings.
Knowing how to be and feeling good will provide the child with the motivation to learn throughout life and face the changes that will be found in a society in continuous evolution..